Tara Phillips

Tara is a self-declared public speaking geek.

She has read the books, studied the theories and got the qualifications. She can "talk the talk", you could say.

But can she walk the walk?  Of course. Speeches live on the stage, not on the page. She loves bringing them to life in front of an audience. And if she's honest, she enjoys showing off just a little bit too!

A great story so far. But she also needs to be able to take you from where you are to where you want to be. For this she is a trained coach.  She understands how much other stuff is at work when it comes to speaking in public.


Since 2010 Tara has been a TEDx coach (TEDxAmsterdam, TEDxCERN, TEDxBinnenhof...) and speechwriter and she is now team lead for the coaches and trainers at TEDxAmsterdam. She considers it a privilege to work with such pioneers and innovators; supporting them in moving the world or their communities forward.

She has always wanted to see the world become a better place.  That’s why she choose to work with people with purpose.  People who also have that vision and are doing something about it.  She doesn’t want a great idea to go to waste simply because it wasn’t communicated effectively.