"Christopher helped me understand that whilst there are many strands in a story, it is important to focus on a few select ones. He helped me to distil down my thoughts to those that were most interesting, and most relevant to the subject of the day. I was really petrified of speaking without speaking notes. The coach helped me gain comfort with cue cards and manage my fear in that way. I was able to free myself from the notes and therefore be much more natural and authentic and speak from my heart. As a result, I am far more comfortable today as a speaker, am happy to speak now without a full written speech and just cue cards. I have way more confidence."
Ratna Omidvar on "A leadership journey through flight and compassion" at TEDxBerlinSalon "Leading in a complex World" (http://www.tedxberlin.de) Ratna is an internationally recognized expert on migration, diversity and inclusion. She came to Canada from Iran in 1981 and her own experiences of displacement, integration and citizen engagement have been the foundation of her work.